Monday, March 5, 2007

Kendall's Notation

In Queueing Theory , Kendall's Notation is used to describe or classify the queuing models.
A / B / C / ( D / E / F )
A - It represents the arrival pattern of the requests to the system.
B - It represents the servicing pattern the system.
C - It represents the total number of servers in the system.
D -It represents the total number of requests that can be queued in the system.
E -It represents the calling source (i.e) the customer base
F -It represents the service discipline of how the job that gets served by the system.
Example :
1. M/M/1/20/30/FIFO = markovian arrival rate , markovian service time , 1 server queuing model , maximum queue length as 20 , user base as 30 , service discipline as First In First Out (FIFO).

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